January 27, 2011

Catch up attempt...San Francisco Trip October 2010

So okay I've really slacked off but now that I think of it, no one really reads this but a handful of people but I will persist.  I at least feel better that I am doing some kind of journaling in my life.  Maybe someone will appreciate looking back at all this stuff.  I really am thinking about starting a new blog for the Sawyers/Mossman clan and leave this one for just the reunion stuff.  Maybe some day when I've retired...in about a hundred years or so.

Anyway, well Jeff and I made a quick little trip to San Francisco last October.  Jeff's son Chris works for Charles Schuab and their headquarters of course is there.  He suggested to Jeff that he come out towards the end of his week long trip and spend the weekend with him seeing the sights.  So Jeff is always ready to take a little trip and agreed.  And since our wedding anniversary is Oct. 1 and we always take some little trip out of town--usually just to San Antonio, so we decided that I'd fly to SF on the Monday Chris returned to Austin and Jeff and I would spend a few days in the city we spent our honeymoon in.  We burned the candle at both ends every night trying to fit everything we could in including eating the most exquisite...yes I said EXQUISITE food every day for practically every meal and even one night had 2 desserts because we just couldn't resist the creme brulee even though our plans were to wait until we got to Ghiradelli Square for a hot fudge Sunday.  Life is short--have dessert twice!

January 25, 2011

Floors are all DONE!!!

Well, I feel like its been months since we started this project and just have a vague memory of living in my own room, having a larger bath with a separate shower and all my clothes in one place.  But soon we'll have it all back together.  The floors are done and they look gorgeous!  I'm very pleased.  I'm sure I'm going to be pretty anal about everyone keeping their shoes off (you can bring a rock in on your shoe and mess it up) and taking the swiffer mop to it every 5 minutes.  And every time someone drops something I'll hold my breath.  Heavy items can gouge the floor.  But they say I'll calm down after a few weeks.  The only problem with these beautiful new floors is that a whole new can of worms has been opened.  I want to paint and redecorate!  It better be a good year for real estate that's all I can say.  Then Jeff will stop having palpitations!

January 22, 2011

Wood Floors--Almost Done!

We've still got a way to go but things are starting to take shape.  What is becoming clearer the more I look at it is that we are going to have to repaint the dining room.  The floor makes the walls look purple.  Yuck!

Reunion 2011 Alert!

Reunion 2011 and 80th Birthday Bash is set! Mark your calendars for July 14 through the 17th. Festivities will begin at Pine View Reservoir complete with boating, water skiing and swimming with a big family picnic at JoAnn's in Huntsville not far away. We'll be sending more info out as plans are confirmed. Anyone up to a Lagoon day? Just email me!

Stay tuned...

January 19, 2011

Poor Rusty

I think all the demolition and noise has taken about 10 dog years off Rusty's life.

Phase II -- Wood Floors

Last night about 10:00 I painted the moldings for the baseboards.  There were 12 -12 ft. boards and it took about an hour.  Not bad but it was pretty easy.

How do you like my shoes and socks?
Today we start tearing up the tile.  It is even noisier than last week.  He uses a jackhammer-like tool with a flat edge that can get right underneath the tile to pry it up so it moves pretty fast.  He's finished all the tile except right in the kitchen in less than 2 hours.  So we're moving right along.

Here's what the jackhammering looked like:

Here's what that looked like about an hour later:

Leveling is done!

This is one of several hydrolic jacks that were used to level the house.  Once the house is leveled they insert the cylinders in place of the jacks.  Let me tell you, it was a strange feeling to be in the house when the actual leveling  takes place--all the popping and creaking.  It was a little unsettling.

Now the holes have been filled and under the circumstances the it looks pretty good.  Now all the tile comes up and the wood floors go down.  This will be a lot more satisfying.

January 13, 2011

Just waiting...

Holes are dug and filled with cement. Now we wait for the cement to cure and since it has been so cold lately, we have to wait longer. Looks like they'll be back on Monday to do the leveling. Should be interesting. Here are the holes that hadn't been dug when I posted yesterday.

Master Bedroom Closet

Laundry Room

January 12, 2011

The Saga Continues--

Well here's what it all looks like today.  I really do think I'm handling the whole situation a lot better than I anticipated.  As they were jack hammering through the floors in the house in 3 places today it was pretty loud but I just shut myself up in the office with the door closed and as long as I didn't try to have a phone conversation, it was manageable. But I think the dogs would not agree.  After having just about everything stacked up, boxed up, shoved around or completely moved out, their daily routine has been turned upside down.  They're not used to us living upstairs and they haven't been in the back yard for 3 days and run to the back door every we come down.  Wouldn't they just LOVE to dig into those big, fresh piles of dirt back there? But forget it guys. Its not gonna happen.

One alarming thing I saw today--well next to them JACK HAMMERING THROUGH MY KITCHEN AND CLOSET FLOORS was when I saw one guy rolling a big wheelbarrow of cement into my garage! I asked him with some noticeable fear in my voice, "Is that going in my house?" He just sort of chuckled and said "yes!" Oy...I guess they know what they're doing. I told him not to spill it.

Tomorrow is Thursday and although the work seems slow, if you consider how deep those holes are, and the number of them (13 total) that's pretty darn fast. I don't know how they do this. If you've ever tried to plant a tree in this soil here you'll know how hard it is to dig a foot let alone 4 or 5. And when they left today, there was really no trace of them except for a thick piece of plywood covering the hole in the floor. Could be worse right?

Not sure when the actual "leveling" will take place but will keep you posted.

Demolition Derby or Our Foundation Repair Saga

Here is my first video of the foundation repair process.  This is in our kitchen believe it or not. They have to jack hammer through the tile and the slab and then dig down several feet to put in concrete piers which then will then will be pressed further down into the ground several feet more until they hit rock. At least thats how I understand it so far.  They have already dug 11 holes around the outside of the house. Within the first hour of digging on Monday they managed to cut the line to our phones, internet and TV. Not a good thing if you're trying to work from home. Thank heavens for my iPhone! And by the way, it was 28 degrees outside this morning and the heat is off downstairs so that the dust doesn't circulate through the vents throughout the house, which is why the workers are bundled up.   I'll post pictures of the outside later.  Feel free to ask questions and leave comments below this post.

January 3, 2011


I posted this from my iPhone.  Pretty cool! Maybe I'll post more now!

Not a serious bone in the bunch.  There are more of the same.  I think we got one "normal" one.  Poor Jeff.  How does he put up with us?

January 2, 2011

Catching Up

Well I hate to say it but I've let the last few months get away from me with out any posts.  Its been a very busy time as I'm sure you can all attest to but I really don't have a very good excuse.  I have lots of pictures and events to post so stay tuned for the big "catch up."  Here are just a few pictures as preview:

The Supers at Fuddruckers during their Thanksgiving visit

Emerson using Grandpa's new leaf blower as a powerful and deadly Iron Man weapon

Miss Payton and her Dad.  The girl just likes being outside thank you very much!

Emerson looking good during a trip to Juju's Hair Salon

Juju's turn

Zach turns 18!!!  What the heck? How did this happen?

Getting help with the candle

Katherine has taught James a very bad habit of pulling faces for pictures!

Jeff and Jenny in San Francisco preparing to ride across the Golden Gate Bridge 

Bubba and Grandma

Miss Payton and Grandpa

Kissing her new baby doll.  Awwwww!

Bubba and Uncle Andrew.