June 23, 2010

Holy Crepe Myrtle!!!

Crepe Myrtles are one of my most favorite flowering trees of Texas.  Well, they're not native to Texas but they thrive here.  They bloom from June through July.  They love the heat and sun and are drought proof but after 2 years of drought and a lot of rain this spring the Crepe Myrtles in Round Rock are thriving--exploding!  Its as though they've been saving all their blooms for a rainy-er day.

I've never seen such thick blooms--the branches are just heavy with them!  I've been here almost 23 years and I don't remember these flowering trees looking so spectacular.
My neighborhood
 You see them in big puffy clouds of pink, deep fuchsia, red, lavender and white and they are everywhere!  You see them in the grocery store parking lot, McDonald's, next to buildings under construction, along streets, parks and in very lucky home owners' yards.

They are beautiful and I just can't get enough of them. I think my family is getting sick of hearing me say "Oh look at that gorgeous Crepe Myrtle!  Oh look at that one!"

So look at these!  I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!
See!  I told you!  At McDonalds!
At Sprouts
 In my neighborhood


  1. They are quite beautiful. I love hearty flowers...maybe I should look into getting some of those around here...can they deal with the cold & rain as well as the heat?

  2. Not sure about that...better Google it! I really appreciate that you actually took the time to comment! Thank you!!!


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