Any of you who are "friends" with me on Facebook know of the saga of procuring my iPhone. When it finally did come we had a lot of fun with it.
Everyone loves to take pictures of themselves and their friends with their digital cameras and smart phones which require you to turn the device around and hope you've got yourself focused and centered in the view finder before snapping. With the iPhone there is a feature that allows you flip the view so that you can look into the display and see yourself in the view finder and take a decent picture or video. That should explain the interest everyone had in it and why everyone--especially Payton, Emerson and Katherine look so enchanted by their own images. Pretty darn cool!
At last it arrives. Let the fun begin!
Even Miss Payton is diggin' it!
A couple of hams...
Showing off the new "tatoo"
Dad looks confused...
Look! He's nearly smiling! I however look like a horse.
I wish I could count how many pictures I had exactly like this one.
This is what happens when you accidentally snap a picture while spinning the phone.
Self portrait by Emerson
As you can see, Katherine played with my phone the most.
Today is Miss Payton's first birthday. Its hard to believe a year has already passed. How did this happen? Her big birthday bash will be held next Saturday October 3. Stay tuned for photos and video. It promises to be a fun event!
I know its been more than 2 months now since Zach was awarded his Eagle but I can't let the occasion pass without a major post to the blog. Grandma and Grandpa made another trip down to attend. We were all so glad to have them there. The Court of Honor was a great success but not without its of them being that we almost had to have it WITHOUT an American flag! That borders on sacrilege. Fortunately Jeff has the connections and we were able to round one up. We had one of Zach's former scout leaders, Mike Ashmore who came up from San Antonio speak, and a letter was read from Sam Roundy, another former leader. (Incidentally, Sam was also my former piano teacher.) Then Jared, our first Eagle Scout in the family, did the Eagle Charge having Zach and all the Eagle scouts present stand and recite, and then presented Zach with his award. He did a great job.
We then served cake (sooooo delicious thanks to Tricia Campbell mingled with friends and family, took a lot of pictures and was time to go home. It was a great evening--hopefully one Zach will always remember. Many thanks to all who contributed to Zach's scouting success. I think he would agree that he couldn't have done it alone. There are more people than I can count that deserve thanks.
Pictures of the evening are below as well as the slide show I put together that was presented as part of the program. Please refer to the post from last year with pictures of Zach's Eagle Project: